Acer x freemanii Jeffers Red, commonly known as the Autumn Blaze Maple, is a hybrid of the Red Maple (Acer rubrum) and Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum). This deciduous tree is cherished for its rapid growth rate and brilliant autumn colours. The leaves, si …
Acer palmatum Katsura is a beautiful, deciduous Japanese maple known for its striking foliage and graceful form. In spring, the small, lobed leaves emerge in a brilliant shade of yellow-orange, gradually maturing to a soft green in summer. In autumn …
Acer palmatum Koto-no-Ito, commonly known as the Harp String Japanese Maple, is a deciduous tree with slender, linear-lobed leaves that hang like the strings of a harp, hence its common name. The leaves unfurl as light green in spring, turn …
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